Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Ratio of Obamacare's Medicare Cuts to New 'Benefits' is Fifteen-to-One

The Ratio of Obamacare's Medicare Cuts to New 'Benefits' is Fifteen-to-One

President Obama's claims that Obamacare's $716 billion in net cuts to Medicare are good for seniors deserve a closer look. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
President Obama insists that Obamacare’s $718 billion in cuts to Medicare don’t affect seniors’ benefits. That’s misleading enough on its own. But the President goes even further, by claiming that his signature health law actually expands benefits for seniors, because the law slightly increases Medicare spending on preventive services and prescription drugs. But according to the Congressional Budget Office, for every $500 the law spends on preventive services and prescription drugs, it cuts the rest of Medicare by $7,385. That’s a cut-to-spending ratio of nearly 15 to 1.

(DISCLOSURE: I am an outside adviser to the Romney campaign on health care issues. The opinions contained herein are mine alone, and do not necessarily correspond to those of the campaign.)
“I have strengthened Medicare as President,” the President insisted in his recent speech to the AARP. “We used those [$716 billion in] savings to lower prescription drug costs, and to offer seniors on Medicare new preventive services like cancer screenings and wellness services.”

CBO: Obamacare’s Medicare cuts vastly outweigh new benefits
So let’s review the numbers. First, the $716 billion estimate of Obamacare’s net cuts to Medicare over the next ten years comes from the most recent projections from the Congressional Budget Office, dated July 24, 2012. Page 14 of that document also notes that the ACA increases net spending on Medicare Part D—the prescription-drug program—by $48 billion over the same period. That $48 billion is counted toward the $716 billion in net cuts; i.e., Obamacare spends $48 billion more on Part D while cutting the rest of Medicare by $764 billion.

 Obamacare has hurt all of us and I have found help with a discount card my family and I have used and it saves us on all our Brand name and Generic medications, I downloaded a free card from this website and took it to my pharmacy, and the savings is automatic with no other obligation.with most of my meds I saved up to 60-75%  I was amazed. Here is the  website I visited.. 

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